Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Life Integrated Technology 5: Cyborgs - Deus ExMachina

If you’re a fan of the Terminator series or have watched Robocop, you have at some point wondered what it would be like to be part machine. It seems wondrous to ponder about all the marvellous things you could do with such a system.

You’d never need to carry a calculator to college. You could Google on the go. You’d never tire and do you even lift bro?
When most people think assisted living facility, their minds go to an old age home where people past their prime go to live out the end of their days.But what if you could have such a system inside you, taking care of your needs.
For some, this has now become a reality.

Take Nigel Ackland for example:
After losing his arm in a tragic work accident, he was fortunate enough to become the recipient of a bebionic3 arm. It connects to the muscles in his arm and with the help of microprocessors, the arm can perform virtually any hand position a person would need, even going so far as hand movements most people couldn’t even imagine. This allows him to pick up objects, shake hands, use his credit card, sign his name, change channels on a remote and even type. This all apart from his now machine precision grip and superhuman lifting abilities. The bionic arm even has a provision to sense when something is slipping from his arm and to correspondingly grip it tighter.

But you don’t need to lose a limb to become a cyborg. People have now begun to use Cybernetics to enhance their everyday lives.

Dr. Kevin Warwikis a Professor at Reading University, England and the founder of Project Cyborg.
Project Cyborg worked in two stages, the first gave Dr.Warwik the ability to control electrical appliances like doors and electrical fitting around him with Jedi like movements via a RFID chip implanted in his hand.

He famously demonstrated himself walking around his empty university building with the fans and lights turning on around him depending on where he was and doors opening for him as if by magic.
Having successfully completed his goals of stage one, he and his colleagues at the University created a neural interface between himself and a computer. This allowed him to control a robotic arm to mimic his movements.He then used the internet to remotely connect to an arm in the United States mounted with sensors allowing him an extra-sensory feel of a baseball cap. An extension to the experiment allowed him and his wife, who was also fitted with a similar device, the first direct and purely electronic communication between two humans.

This experiment opens up the possibility of a human being able to connect to the Internet.
With its vast resources, you’d have the entire world’s information at your disposal. The challenge comes as to how does one filter out the searches to exactly what you need and receive only the items with the most relevance. From there, it’s up to the human to make the most appropriate decision based on the information presented to them.

Machine learning has long been thought of as a way to make robots as or even more intelligent than humans, but we could use the same technology to give us the same capabilities of a machine.
The world of Bionics opens up an exciting prospect for the future. Who knows one day you could end up asking a friend, “Why is your arm stuck like that?”, only to have him reply, “Some malfunction, I need to update my drivers.”

Nestor Lobo

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